Gas Credit Card

Fuel Express Fleet Fuel Card

Fuel Express is not affiliated with, nor offers sales or customer service for Total fuel credit cards. We are a fleet fuel card provider that is accepted at virtually every gas station in the U.S. including every Total gas station location. This page is intended for current or prospective Fuel Express customers to review all of our fleet fuel and gas card acceptance locations. To learn more about our fleet fueling services, please contact us or get a fleet fuel card from Fuel Express today.
Fuel Card

At Fuel Express, we know your vehicles and your drivers are essential elements in your fleet business. That’s why we offer a fleet gas card to use at every Total gas station plus more than 320,000 other locations nationwide. They also give you a way to control your spending, track your drivers, and more.

Fleet Fuel Cards With Spending Tools

We know developing and sticking to a budget can be difficult. This is especially true when you have lots of people spending your money for you. That’s why our fleet fuel cards feature spending tools that can help you take control. With purchase restrictions, you can determine what your drivers can and can’t buy. And with spending limits, you can limit how much they spend on a regular basis at Total and other locations. Plus, because each of our fleet gas cards tracks the time, date, and location of every purchase made, you’ll be able to view each driver’s spending at any time.

Vehicle and Driver Safety

Keeping your vehicles and your drivers safe is important and we can help you do it. With knowledge like MPGs, vehicle diagnostics, and more, you can keep an eye on the health of each of your vehicles and note when they may need maintenance or repair. With our GPS tracking, you can know where each of your vehicles is at all times. This means if something goes wrong and you need the police or medical assistance, you’ll know where to direct them. In addition, you can set alerts for odd-hour incidents or out-of-range incidents to keep a further eye on your drivers.

Similar to a Total Gas Card

When you know what’s going on with your fleet, you’re able to adjust your management process in order to be successful. At Fuel Express, our fleet fuel card is more than just a card for your Total purchases. We can help you improve your business.